Thursday, December 09, 2004

Why Am I Writing This?

Journaling has never been a strong suit for me. I never
have taken a few minutes out of my day to "chronicle" my
life. And I don't think I will be doing that in this blog
either. Like many things that are new, we use/play/watch
it a lot in the beginning and then it falls off the earth
when the shininess and newness is gone.

My intention for this blog is to establish a space for me
to express my right to free speech, saying whatever the
heck is on my mind. What I write about may be serious one
day, silly the next. You might view me as insane or right
on target depending upon your point of view. If you decide
to stop reading, I still get the benefit of writing this
stuff out of my system.

So buckle up. It could be a bumpy but exhilarating ride.


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